
Target Who Books Donated to Schools: 9673
Inspired Donations by Other People: 416

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Donating 11,000 Books to School Libraries to support Children's Literacy

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Adventures in Nottingham

We are Target Who and reaching Nottingham schools proved more challenging than first anticipated!

Previously on the Blog I reported how Hays Education in Birmingham was helping us spread books around their local schools and had passed on details of our project to other offices around the country.  I have spoken to several Hays Office Managers in the last few months and in the weeks ahead I will report on the help and assistance they have given us.
Most recently I spoke to the wonderful Tanya Walker in Nottingham who was delighted to help our project. I once lived in Nottingham, so was I especially keen to spread some books around their schools, but how to get them there?  We needed help.  

I contacted Chris Berezai, who had previously helped us to deliver books, and whom I knew lived in the Nottingham area.  He immediately offered to help and a rendezvous was arranged to pass him the books as he travelled past Gloucester.  

What we didn’t realise was that Nottingham City Centre has a pedestrian zone, and the Hays office was firmly inside it!  Vehicle access is only allowed before 7.00am, so when Chris tried to deliver the three heavy boxes, he was unable to get anywhere near!  Now Chris also needed help - and it was his friend Mark Hackett that provided it.  Thanks Mark.

The books have now safely been delivered to the Hays office where Tanya Walker, Yos Iwanczuk and Nigel Barkley have already started delivering them to schools in their area.
We are Target Who and our books are now starting to appear in Nottinghamshire school libraries thanks to the help of our new friends.

Target Who would like to thank Chris Berezai, Mark Hackett, Tanya Walker, Yos Iwanczuk and Nigel Barkley for helping us reach the school libraries in Nottinghamshire.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

We’re back - and it’s about time!

We are Target Who and our mission continues. I have not been well enough to blog for many months due to ill health.  I suffered two detached retina’s, leaving me with little eyesight, although I should eventually make a full recovery following two further operations later this year.  The project has not been dormant over the last few months with lots of progress and the odd set back, all of which I will catch you up on over the next few weeks.  Most recently:

My family and I went to Barmouth in North Wales at the start of the Easter holidays.  At the last moment I squeezed a small box of books into the car, just in case I bumped into any school teachers while we were there!  It proved to be most fortunate as we discovered that the Welsh schools were still open, their holidays starting the week after our Gloucestershire ones.  My children jumped at the chance of making a few Target Who deliveries and in total we spread the box of books around fourteen schools.  We had the privilege of talking to some of the pupils in two of the schools and we left behind some very excited children all keen to immerse themselves in Doctor Who fiction over their Easter break!   

Also delivered were eight inspired donations that had been passed our way by a Doctor Who fan named Philip from Surrey. More of Philip’s books will be sent out to school libraries in the next few weeks.  Thanks for your support Philip.

Other members of the team have been busy delivering too and I’ll report on some of those later in the week. 

We are Target Who and we have lots of stories to share with you in the coming months.  Watch this space!